Vintage Crystal Necklace
Vintage Chrysolite AB and Green Apple Swarovski Crystal, Metal Findings, Accuflex
Be spent over a decade to assemble the different style vintage beads to create this masterpiece. Swarovski made limited quantities and VERY few colors of opaque beads. The apple green color is not only extremely rare but to have them in such a large size as well, make this necklace particularly valuable. Be acquired the beads from several different private and corporate collections throughout Europe and the United States.
The vintage Swarovski crystal beads are in pristine condition and were manufactured in Austria between 1920 - 1938 and 1945 - 1954. To prove their authenticity, Be has the honor of taking them directly from their original packages.
You can count on less than two hands the number of colors that Swarovski made in opaque colors. I call this "Retro" because the shade of the Green Apple beads (and that is the real name of the box) reminds you of the 1950's, even though the beads were manufactured much earlier. This is an extremely unique necklace and screams VINTAGE. This is another one of those colors that is very difficult to find matching jewelry--until now. I see old classic "naughty Hollywood glamour sensation gal" wearing this. A woman who lives by the motto "I live the way I want to live"-- and means it.